Thursday, 21 January 2010

Day One

Well after months of planning and minutes of preparation, the day finally arrived. Yes, Mother has gone away on holiday, leaving me in charge of Super Nan and the house-sitters...... not to mention those pesky cats. By the time the house sitters returned from dropping off 'er indoors at the airport the party was in full swing, although for the life of me, I can't honestly say I knew who half of them were!

Still, I think that the next few weeks are going to be great fun.... the thing is, here at HQ, laws are put on the statute books at a whim and then repealled seconds later.... the house sitters don't know whether they are coming or going, but always seem to be in trouble with the local constabulary, i.e. Super Nan. One slight transgression of Byelaw 708 Chapter3 Para 2 was that I was served my bedtime biscuits in bed last night and not in the kitchen. That particular crime goes to court next week, I suppose I should take some interest and look up what the penalty is likely to be, I am not sure if that carries a custodial sentance or not.

Still I am pleased to report that despite the late night, the house sitters were up early this morning (06.15) thanks to one of the cats howling for its breakfast. I'm also pleased to report that Nigel has had his medication (both last night and this morning). I have been out for my morning stroll and managed to pick up a copy of the Racing Post so I can look forward to an afternoon of racing and black and white war films. The racing today is from Taunton, Southwell (AW), Wolverhampton (Evening AW) and Gowran Park, although to be honest, the all weather stuff is a bit dull. Still, the nice lady at Sky promised me the engineer would be here by coffee time so we should be up and running with "At The Races" and "Racing UK" in time for the 1.00 from Taunton.

I'm keeping my head down whilst the last remnants of the party are cleared up. Hopefully the French Polisher will be here soon, but to be honest, there are not as many of them around these days as Yellow Pages would have you believe. It is actually easier to find a book by J.R. Hartley than it is to get a French Polisher.

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